Sika Wood Duathlon Results 18 Oct 2010

For all those Juniors who took part in the off road run / bike session on sunday, here are your times and splits from the duathlon we had at the […]

For all those Juniors who took part in the off road run / bike session on sunday, here are your times and splits from the duathlon we had at the end.

Excellent running and biking from all of you, and your transitions were fantastic. Next session, we will set you off in reverse order, and see if you all finish at the same time!

Any juniors who couldnt make it last week, it would be great to see you at the next session, on the 29th November. let me know if Saturday is more suitable.


Sika Wood Duathlon Results – 18 OCT 2010
Name 1st Run Bike 2nd Run Total Time
Gabby 1.03 7.05 8.32 8.32
Splits 1.03 6.02 1.27
Jack 0.51 5.46 6.48 6.48
Splits 0.51 4.55 1.02
Callum 0.56 6.54 8.16 8.16
Splits 0.56 5.58 1.22
Max 1.15 8.5 10.46 10.46
Splits 1.15 7.35 1.56
Annie 1.05 6.22 7.37 7.37
Splits 1.05 5.17 1.15

About Fran

What ever your goals in life may be, there is always time to achieve them. You might want to lose weight, run your first 5k, or improve your personal best, whatever your specific goals are you can achieve them with structure, time management and determination!