How come I hear you ask? Well sort of…. more on that one in a minute. So what was happening TriPurbeck style in the last week? Well John Slkilton was up to his now normal tricks racing in the Dorney Lake Evening sprint race on Wednesday and clocking a windy (the weather not John) 1hr16min confirming some definite new found speed that has resulted in a hasty replanning of my events schedule for the rest of the year to make sure I never appear in the same race as him. Next up we had multiple juniors racing for multiple teams in the Dorset Schools Swimming Gala at Littledown on Saturday. All did brilliantly with Jed and George playing a big part in the East Dorset area’s winning performance. Jack, Annie and Olivia all swam well too in a strong competition.
4.30am is the wrong time to get up on a Sunday. I’m not sure what the right time is… I just know that 4.30 is the wrong time. Loyalties were split with most sensible TriPurbeck people entering the Purbeck Tri at the Purbeck sports centre. Apart from Fran… hence 4.30am. Justin confirmed what we all suspected… that he has all the attributes to be very fast, finishing in 8th place and posting the 2nd fastest run split – all in his first ever triathlon. Neil finished 6 minutes later also putting in a great first time performance largely due to some hastily arranged transition practice involving a shower, the kitchen and a transition zone in the back garden…. yes Jack we need that video! Derek once again topped the rankings in his age group putting in a strong bike split in the longest race he has tackled yet.
Fran took one or two frustrations out on the Bustinskin Middle Distance course billed as one of the toughest races in the country when it was reviewed in 220 last year. Second out of the water, she went to work on the bike taking the lead after about 15miles. Lucy Bowen from Thames Turbo wasn’t going to capitulate though and dug in to enter T2 alongside Fran. The TriPurbeck superwoman wasn’t having any of that though and put in a stunning 1.52 run leg to win by 11 minutes, only narrowly missing the course record set last year. And the good thing about Bustinskin is… they give out great prizes! (and also run great races). A new wetsuit.. but Fran doesn’t need a new wetsuit so guess who is getting it!
Friday is race day at the Sika wood session – juniors up for a duathlon and adults a 5k run. See you there.
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