Mandy and Mark’s report from the White Horse Challenge – anyone fancy it next year?
We set of from our hotel in swindon not knowing what challenge was set ahead of us, we registered at 7.30 am and got our bikes ready set to go, we crossed the timing mat and we were off.
The route seemed ok flat they said for the first 15 miles they were right there was some climbs but nothing for what we had ahead of us, the weather couldn’t have been better had no head wind or anything. we headed for the first food station which came along very quickly after Royal Wotton Basset, then after replenishing our stocks then we headed to cherhill which was the first climb, that one was not too bad.
our next town was avebury where there is a national monument site after that we could see out next climb god what a climb, then we headed for marlborough through some great country lanes all i could smell was the yellow fields rapeseed.
By that time we came to our last food station in which time we needed some water for our bottles and had our bananas this was when i looked at the mileage we had done 71 miles gosh that went so quick not long now for the finish , went to set off and mark had a puncture on his back wheel so that got quickly changed and we headed off all we had been told is at the last 5 miles was this big climb at uffington so we where just cycling along waiting to come across it.
Help i thought that was a biggy they timed us going up it as well not fair but at the end there was a guy taking pictures so i smiled sweetly to him and after that some families saying not far now! and they was right there we was back at shiverham village we popped over the finishing mat and met up with the other cyclist lying on the grass having a rest and afternoon tea.
All i can say we both enjoyed this challenge and shall do it again.
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