Don’t know where I’m going with that title but before anyone gets worried I’m the ugly. Good includes some great performances from the Bardsleys in Newbury and lots of people in the Beast last weekend.
Derek stormed to a massive age group win in Newbury and beat his own time from last year by 2 minutes to show that he is in cracking form leading in to those age group world championships in October. Sharon swam, biked and ran herself to a brilliant 25th place out of 111 women overall but somehow only managed a 6th place finish in her age group?? how does that work – lots of talented athletes in the 30-34 age group it would seem
Mean while in the beast Chris Weeks made a bad decision heading off in the wrong direction when he was lying in 2nd place – by the time he rejoined he was down in about 30th but battled back to 7th. Multiple turnout from TriPurbeck people – too many to list – check out the results at
And so to the ugly…….. the less said the better about my trip to Reading but I think it’s worth mentioning that every triathlete should get stuck in their wetsuit at some point. 5 minutes in T1 is not the best in a sprint race and it was difficult to get my head into gear after that. Fran’s comment when I finished – once she’d stopped laughing that is – was that she thought I could do with losing a couple of pounds…… how rude.
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