So after the excitement of the junior racing yesterday it was the turn of two of TriPurbeck’s leading ladies to get competitive this morning. So why the sunglasses-buses reference? More later….. First though, sneaky John Skilton has been using all those holidays to good effect and did a bit of clandestine racing (err except he told me) on Wednesday evening to see if the training was paying off. Well it is. 1hr 11min in the Dorney evening sprint tri should make all of the rest of us old blokes either sit up and take notice or avoid racing him – I’m going for the latter although he’s sooo sneaky who knows. Clearly tired from his exploits, he’s back on holiday this week, no doubt planning his next fast race.
So on to this morning. Springing out of bed like a slug at 4am seemd like an excellent plan when we hatched it the night before but the draw of a triathlon in which the swim leg was in an open air lido underneath the walls of Arundel Castle seemed too good to miss (!!) and was probably better than the option of renting a big tent with a hole in it. So on the start line at 7am Fran was tired and Liz was wet. There was little evidence of shivalry in the pool as both girls exited in about 13min30sec for 800m having been swum over and punched by the blokes in the pool. Despite a heavy week training Fran promptly went about her now customary shredding of the bike course posting 1hr3min for 40km and although we didn’t know it at the time, putting about 4mins into the rest of the field. A decent 10k split saw her cruise home for the win in a new course record and a big cheer for TriPurbeck. The cheer got bigger as Liz had a good bike split and produced a big improvement in the run to bag a second trophy for the club coming in as second vet (confusing as she is only 27?).
So why the buses? Well, I’ve been promising Fran a new pair of cycling sunglasses for a while, so we bought some at the expo before the race. And what did she get for her 1st prize???? Yep, you guessed it! Lucky me!
Touche Mr Bungay!! Lesson learnt – do not rent a tipi when heavy rain is forecasted the night before a race! Good first race of the season – good to blow the cobwebs away and a precursor to buying some race wheels! Thanks to Young Master Finley for his support today. Just love the hair and the cool trousers!!