Two world championship qualifying performances in 1 day so I don’t know who to big up first…… Lets go in reverse order. Just checked ironman tracker to see how Chris Weeks was going in ironman Switzerland only to find that he finished hours ago in a stunning 9hrs58minutes. Yes that’s 9 hrs something. For an ironman. Pause for thought. That’s 3 ironman performances in 3 weeks – I’m starting to question my blouseman categorisation. We are hoping that 3rd place in his age group might earn Chris a spot at the world championships in Kona so we are all off to Hawaii – hooray.
At 10.56 precisely Derek Bardsley jumped into the docks in the middle of Bristol. I’ve warned him before about those all night clubbing sessions. However, he obviously sobered up quickly and went to business in the sprint distance world championship qualifier that was coincidentally on at the same time. We don’t have the details yet but we do know that Derek finished 3rd in his age group and secured a qualification spot for Auckland later in the year. So we are all off to New Zealand - hooray.
Good runs in the swanage half by Justin (11th), Culvin, Neil, Simon, Liz, Johnathan, Mandy, Mark and Clare so we are all off to …. err, Swanage?
And finally a special mention for Harry who did the junior duathlon at the club session on Friday and then ran the adult 5k – which produced some good times after the forest shrank due to all the rain.
Sadly the first place male took the kona slot and as there was only the one in his age group, there’s no holiday for us! However, don;t forget that he has qualified for the World Duathlon champs in Nancy so if anyone fancies coming over there to watch the Nancy boy in action???
Congrats to Derek and well done to all the Swanage halfers. If you want to know what it looks like when a bloke first realises he is about to be chicked, look at Justin in these series of three photos……… and then the next two photos!